
As the operator of right2know chattanooga, my goal is to provide the community with accurate and timely information. Our website is committed to transparency and open access, and we strive to be a reliable source for local news and events. In this article, I will discuss the goals and values of our website, as well as our commitment to serving the community.

Our Mission

At right2know chattanooga, our mission is to provide the public with access to the information they need to make informed decisions. We believe that transparency in government and other public institutions is crucial for a healthy democracy, and we aim to promote this through our website. Our goal is to keep the community informed on local news, government actions, and important events. We also strive to provide a platform for community engagement and discussion.


At right2know chattanooga, we are committed to honesty and accuracy in our reporting. We believe that access to information is vital for the public to fully engage in democracy. We also value diversity, and strive to represent the wider community through our content. Our website is a place where people of all backgrounds and perspectives can come together to learn and discuss important issues.

Service to the Community

At right2know chattanooga, we understand the importance of community service. Therefore, we are committed to serving the needs of our community. We provide a space for local organizations and individuals to promote their events, initiatives, and projects. We also encourage community members to submit their ideas and feedback for future content.

The Importance of Transparency

At right2know chattanooga, we believe that transparency is essential for a healthy, functioning democracy. By providing accurate and timely information, we aim to keep the public informed on government actions and other important issues. We also believe in holding public institutions accountable to the people they serve. Our website is dedicated to shining a light on the workings of government and other public institutions for the benefit of the community.

The Future of Right2know Chattanooga

As we move forward, we will continue to uphold our values of transparency, accuracy, and community service. We will strive to provide even more useful and relevant content to our readers. We will also seek to engage the community in meaningful ways, and to facilitate productive discussions on important issues. At right2know chattanooga, we are committed to serving the needs of our community, and to promoting the values of transparency and open access.