
Welcome to r/ffxiv, a subreddit dedicated to the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Final Fantasy XIV. As the owner of this website, I am excited to share with you the history of our community, the current state of the subreddit, as well as future plans for the website.

The History of r/ffxiv

Since its creation in 2010, r/ffxiv has grown into a vibrant community for fans of the game. The subreddit provides a platform for players to discuss their experiences in the game, share fan art and cosplay, post humorous memes, ask for advice, and more. Over the years, r/ffxiv has become a go-to source for news, updates, and discussions related to Final Fantasy XIV.

The Current State of r/ffxiv

As of July 2021, r/ffxiv has over 690,000 members and continues to grow. We have a team of dedicated moderators who work tirelessly to keep the subreddit organized, friendly, and informative. We encourage players to share their thoughts and ideas openly, while maintaining a respectful tone towards others in the community.

We also host regular events like art contests, theory crafting discussions, and weekly Q&A threads. These events help to keep the community engaged and encourage players to connect with each other.

Future Plans for r/ffxiv

Moving forward, we plan to implement some changes to make the subreddit even more engaging and enjoyable for players. This includes creating a Wiki section for beginners, where newbies can find information on how to get started in the game, as well as tips and tricks for advancing in the game.

We also plan to host more community events, such as in-game raids, dungeon crawls, and PvP battles. These events help to foster a sense of community among players and provide opportunities for players to connect with one another.

Finally, we plan to continue working closely with the developers of Final Fantasy XIV, Square Enix, to provide our community with the latest news, updates, and insider information on the game.


At r/ffxiv, we pride ourselves on being a welcoming, friendly, and informative community for fans of Final Fantasy XIV. With our dedicated team of moderators, engaged members, and plans for continued growth, we look forward to keeping the community thriving for years to come. Thank you for being a part of our community!